You + Public Hearing = 314 More Homes? – Del-POP Dispatch #2 (Archive)

Call to Action:

A major project with 50 rental homes (including 10 subsidized rental homes), 264 market rate homes, a childcare centre, and street level retail is coming to public hearing on Monday, June 8th starting at 4pm. 

After council hears from the public, they will then move into the Meeting Following Public Hearing (yes, that’s it’s official name) and vote on the project.  

Can you speak at the June 8th Public Hearing? OR write an email of support to Mayor and Council?

While we need to see action taken to update the City of Delta’s existing policies (big picture), we are also keenly aware of the need to speak up when good projects come to Council. Our efforts to change the big picture are amplified by the demonstration of support for more housing in Delta on a project by project basis. 

In the last Del-POP dispatch, you received a run down of why this project is good and why the critics of this project are missing the mark with their objections about this project’s impacts on traffic, density, and services. I’d be happy to chat more with you about this if you want some more detail. 

Public Hearing FAQ

How do I register to speak? Email and simply say that you would like to speak in support of the 120 St and 93a Ave Highrise Development. ***IF you have a scheduling issue (ex. work doesn’t end until 6pm or you need to step away by 5:30pm) please include that in your email and my experience has been that the City Clerk’s office will take that into account when they set the speaker order. Especially if you’re gracious and give a reason why you’d like to speak earlier or later, you should be able to do it. The Clerk’s office will send you a confirmation that you’re registered and send you details about how to join by Zoom. 

When does it start? The public hearing begins at 4pm and will likely run for several hours. You don’t need to attend the whole thing and you don’t have to be there at the start if you have other duties to attend to first. In your email to, indicate whether you need to speak on the early side or after a certain time. 

What should I say? After introducing yourself and where you live, state that you support the project and your reasons for supporting the project. I can help you come up with what you’ll say if you are unsure – I’m a volunteer speech coach and love this stuff so I’d be happy to connect and help you!

How should I address council? You are given 5 minutes but it is good to be brief and get to the point. Mention your connection to this part of Delta – are you a nearby resident? Or a concerned citizen living outside of North Delta who understands that the precedent this could set will have significant consequences for the remainder of Delta’s efforts to address our housing shortage. Try to be positive and be extremely careful about using humour (no snark as it’s not helpful). 

Who am I trying to convince? The reality, on this project, is that there are 2 councillors who might be persuaded to shift their vote. Speak in a way that makes plain that they are making a major decision that affects people like you and the future we can expect to have in our city. 

How can this be a more enjoyable experience? 

Join the conversation during the public hearing on our Del-POP Slack Channel!

I think there are already a few Del-POP folks who are planning to chat on Slack during the public hearing. All are welcome!

We’ll be cheering each other on and providing encouragement to first-timers and old-timers alike! We’ll be able to help you workshop the things you’re trying to say and even come up with immediate responses to the things that you’ll be hearing from other speakers in the Public Hearing. 

We can do this!

Key Actions: 

1. Email by 12pm on June 8th to register to speak at the Public Hearing on June 8th


  Email by 12pm on FRIDAY, June 4th to tell them that you support the project. 

2. Follow Del-POP on Twitter

3. Spread the Word about Del-POP to Family and Friends! 


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