Thursday Memorial Park Hang Out – Del-POP Dispatch #3 (Archive)

Come to Memorial Park in Ladner on THURSDAY at 7:30PM to enjoy the evening sun & to chat about housing and land use and all the things that living here brings up!

All ages are welcome – bring a lawn chair – and look for us in the Responsible Drinking Area (bring a beverage if you are so inclined).

After a very positive turnout at the Public Hearing on June 8th (and a great group chat on Slack during it), we have a lot to celebrate! Within a few months of organizing, we have already made an impact by providing support to each other as we made our voices heard.

My hope is that we can build on this effort to bring more housing to the City for residents and newcomers alike!

56 Street Rental Project

There is a great opportunity to weigh in on the Market Rental Apartment project proposed for 56 Ave in Tsawwassen. (

Ladner Village Plan

There is also a chance to weigh in on the Ladner Village Revitilization study that is underway right now ( I would encourage you to support modest increases to the permitted # of storeys (4-6 storeys would allow more housing units to be constructed in a services-rich village without dramatically altering the village atmosphere).

Street Fun-Iture Program

Delta’s Parks department has installed some great new outdoor amenities in key spots in the city like a bocce court on the wharf and reading nooks near several libraries. This is an AWESOME step towards embracing widespread people-oriented placemaking. The project sites are already successful gathering areas that have been enhanced for more uses and activities. This is a great example of the good that we can advocate for in the city.

Reading Materials

Depending on your interest levels and time, you might be interested in reading the following articles that were published in The Globe and Mail.

Editorial, “We Should All Be People-Oriented Deltans!”… just kidding, the actual title is “Design Streets for People”

Rob Carrick, “Can’t Afford a House? It’s Likely Not Your Fault”

Rachelle Younglai, “Wealth Shifts to the Next Generation”

Take Action (5 Easy Options)

  1. Support 56 Ave Market Rental Project on Let’s Talk
  2. Attend Thursday’s Memorial Park Hangout at 7:30pm
  3. Weigh in on Ladner Village Revitalization
  4. Invite a few friends or family to join Del-POP
  5. Write a Delta City Councillor who voted in favour of the 120 St and 93 Ave High Rise Development to tell them how much you appreciated their willingness to support housing growth in the city.

Key Actions: 

Support 56 Ave Market Rental Project on Let’s Talk Delta (before July 9th)

Encourage Housing and the Relaxing *(or elimination) of Parking minimums in Ladner Village on Let’s Talk Delta (before June 27th)


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