End the Apartment Ban – Del-POP Dispatch #10 (Archive)

A Big Step for Housing in Delta: End the Apartment Ban 

Apartments are illegal in most of Delta and we are all paying the price for a policy that excludes residents and drives up prices. With bold leadership, Delta can broadly expand the swathes of land in the City where apartments are allowed to be built by right.

This change would mean that the process to build a rental apartment, a co-housing apartment, a disabled veterans group home, and a subsidized housing apartment would be the same as the process to build a single detached home. This would permit single detached houses and apartments to coexist in residential areas and allow for greater options for residents and newcomers alike!

This will be the main item presented on at our Del-POP meeting. If you would like to be one of the presenters, get in touch with Norm. 

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Fill out the Social Action Plan Survey

Head over to Let’s Talk Delta to complete an important survey on the City’s proposed Social Action Plan. Highlight the need to reduce car-dependency, increase affordable housing options, and address social isolation.

Write Council re: Ladner Willows

The proposed redevelopment of the Ladner Willows site will add affordable housing options in Ladner. Email council to tell them you support this project going forward! Project description is here.

Learn how to Del-POP

Sparking change: 9 Ways to Change an Elected Official’s Mind 

Spicy rejoinder: Apartment’s Aren’t Your Thing?

Big picture on climate and the way we live: How We Can Make our Communities More Resilient

Great idea: Walking School Bus

A familiar story out of Vancouver: Rental Projects Held Up by City Hall Process

What is the missing middle: Core Insights on the Missing Middle

A coherent philosophy for change: The Strong Towns approach


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