Category: Call to Action
Welcome to Del-POP!
We can make Delta more people-oriented by densifying residential and commercial space in the town centres of our three major communities, spaces that have low vehicle traffic and are walkable and transit-accessible to everyone. Building mid-density housing, such as walkup apartments, townhomes, row homes, and even small apartments next to town centres lowers both vehicle…
Housing-Induced Poverty Makes Us All Poorer – Del-POP Dispatch #12 (Archive)
The State of the City– “The high proportion of single-detached housing in Delta is not meeting the needs of the community.”– There is a clear “expectation of dramatic changes in housing type need over time.”– “Different types of density, like infill housing, midrise buildings, and highrise towers, are appropriate in different areas of Delta.”– “Some increases in density…
The Stroads Need Fixin’ – Del-POP Dispatch #11 (Archive)
Welcome to our newest subscribers – we’re thrilled you’ve signed up and encourage you to get involved! Check out our updated website and join our lively Slack chat where the last month has seen a flurry of great posts and discussions. Council is meeting on April 26 to consider an important application for 48 market rental homes in Tsawwassen on 56…
End the Apartment Ban – Del-POP Dispatch #10 (Archive)
A Big Step for Housing in Delta: End the Apartment Ban Apartments are illegal in most of Delta and we are all paying the price for a policy that excludes residents and drives up prices. With bold leadership, Delta can broadly expand the swathes of land in the City where apartments are allowed to be…
Advocating for Vibrant Neighbourhoods – Del-POP Dispatch #9 (Archive)
Welcome to our new subscribers! We’re stoked to have you join us as advocates of vibrant neighbourhoods and places for people in Delta! Spread the word! Ladner Village Plan (URGENT) Have you signed up to speak in-person or via Zoom at the December 14 Public Hearing? Please do! Need help? Email us and we’ll walk you…
The Ladner VIllage Area Plan – Del-POP Dispatch #8 (Archive)
Urgent Request to Write to Council Please write an email to to tell them you support the introduction of more housing in Ladner Village!!! An update to the Ladner Village Area Plan has been prepared for Council consideration on November 22 and a Public Hearing on December 14. This update would reduce the height…
Analysing the Housing Action Plan – Del-POP Dispatch #7 – (Archive)
We want to see housing options improve within the lands we’ve already decided are suitable for building on. We want for-profit and non-profit projects to succeed and not be held back by arbitrary or outdated land use restrictions.
Celebrating Success! – Dispatch #5 – (Archive)
It’s great to see several major projects getting approval and it’s a sign that there’s a new readiness in Delta to take concrete steps to address our housing crisis.