Better Land Use
More Housing

Help Us Transform Delta's Neighbourhoods Into People-Oriented Places

(For Everyone's Benefit)

_____ DEL POP?

WHAT IS     Del-POP is a growing network advocating for positive change

WHO IS      A diverse network of residents who want Delta to thrive

WHY           We love our city!

Confronting Delta's Housing Crisis

Through Education, Persuasion, and Activation

We’re so curious: what brought you to our website today? 
Tell us in 10 words or less so we can stop guessing and get back to solving our housing crisis.

The Problems We Face

The City of Delta's Policies are a Major Factor in the Housing Crisis

Image: City of Delta Housing Needs Assessment

Change in Delta is Inevitable

“Some people are concerned about how neighborhoods will change. Our neighborhoods are already changing: they will either become more exclusive and expensive, or more diverse and inclusive.”

(This is our unofficial rallying cry courtesy of the fine folks at Olympians for People-Oriented Places.)

The Choices Before Us Are:


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